
Customer Management New Orders Add Inventory Update Inventory Invoice Accounts Recievable Cash Ledger


The Admin page is available only to the Vendor of A-Z Corporation. This page can be accessed only by logging in with the Zoho Id of the vendor. The following features may be used by the Admin to control, monitor and regulate the Online Ordering System:

Customer Management:
This enables the vendor to add, edit or delete the customers who can make a purchase using the application.

New Orders: 
Once the Customer places the order, the vendor may accept and acknowledge the order using this feature so that the customer can make a payment next. The Invoice generation takes place after this action by the vendor.

Add Inventory:
It enables the vendor to add a new category of product which he may bring to his shop for sale from time to time. The vendor may enter the price of the product, the quantity, etc.

Update Inventory:
It enables the vendor to edit the existing Product description, unit price, etc.

The vendor can use this feature to access the details of the Invoices generated for different orders using the application. This is a read-only feature even to the vendor.

Accounts Receivable: 
The vendor can see the amount due from the customers for different orders and the amounts already received for completed orders.

Cash Ledger: 
This feature lists out the amount of payment made by the customers and other details like payment date for different orders to the vendor.